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Dental Aesthetics For Your Attractive Smile

Modern dental aesthetics offer you the opportunity to achieve visible improvements in the appearance of your teeth. Factors such as tooth color, shape, and alignment, as well as the condition of the gums, significantly influence the aesthetics and are immediately noticeable to others, albeit subconsciously. Thanks to our high-quality treatment, we ensure an attractive and healthy smile, helping you radiate positivity and confidence in everyday life.

Using our digital SMILE-View technology, we plan the treatment in detail and can show you the result before the start of treatment. We specialize in the fabrication of all-ceramic restorations, such as inlays, veneers, or crowns. Whether you desire a brighter tooth color or optimized tooth alignment, everything is possible!

Dental Aesthetics Turn to Our Practice in Hamburg

During our initial consultation, we conduct an analysis and discuss treatment options with you. Among other things, we create a digital 3D scan of your teeth, enabling us to clearly and comprehensibly illustrate any existing dental issues. With the help of digital treatment planning, we can present you with various treatment options, allowing you to see the results before the treatment begins.

Your individual wishes and circumstances are always important to us. During the consultation, we detail the advantages of each treatment method and provide recommendations from a dental perspective.

Additionally, we assist you in weighing the costs and benefits. You will learn all the essential information about the investment framework within which the therapy will take place. There are no hidden costs with us. However, we are happy to advise you on how to make financing more comfortable for yourself, for example, with convenient installment payments.

Supplementary dental insurance offers many benefits

The services provided by statutory health insurance only cover basic care, so high-quality treatments typically require personal investment. While these investments pay off financially in the long term, they can sometimes present a short-term obstacle to choosing optimal care.

Therefore, having private dental supplementary insurance is indeed advisable, especially since many providers include comprehensive benefits for preventive care or even subsidies for medical tooth whitening (bleaching) in their modern insurance policies.

Learn more here.

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